
From the 1st September the new energy labels for light sources came into force. These labels are generated through the present data in the European Register of Energy Labeling Products (EPREL – EU Product Database for Energy Labeling).

The new regulations come from the EU bye-laws governing the lighting sector in terms of eco-design and energy labeling.

All technical information about the light sources will be collected in the EPREL register, will be evaluated on the basis of various criteria, including eco-design and sustainability, and made publicly available online for all users.

All new products placed on the market from the 1st September must necessarily have the new energy label in relation to the EcoDesign legislation.

All LEDCO light sources placed on the market starting from 1st September 2021 are correctly labeled according to the new regulations.
It is important to note that products already placed on the market before that date will still be able to be purchased, sold and installed on customer premises without any problems.

What are the differences of the new energy labels?

The new energy labels in addition to a slightly modified design, have two fundamental differences compared to the previous labels:

  • The new energy efficiency scale that goes from A, the most efficient value, to G, the least efficient value, (the previous classification went from A ++ to E)
  • The scannable QR Code with the link to the product data stored in the EPREL database.

The new labels will then provide information on energy consumption, expressed in kWh per 1000 hours, and will have a QR code to view more product information.